Fatty Alcohol

Fatty alcohols are mainly used in the production of detergents and surfactants. They are components also of cosmetics, foods, and as industrial solvents. Due to their amphipathic nature, fatty alcohols behave as nonionic surfactants. They find use as co-emulsifiers, emollients and thickeners in cosmetics and food industry.

Lauryl AlcoholStearyl Alcohol Cetyl AlcoholStearyl AlcoholBehenyl Alcohol
Specifications C10 - 1.0 Max
C12 - 98 Min
C14 - 2.0 Max
C12 - 0.5 Max
C14 - 2.0 Max
C16 - 55-65
C18 - 35-45
C20 - 2.0 Max
C12 - 0.2 Max
C14 - 2.0 Max
C16 - 95.0 Min
C18 - 5.0 Max
C14 - 0.5 Max
C16 - 5.0 Max
C18 - 95.0 Min
C20 - 2.0 Max
C22 - 0.2 Max
C16 - 1.0 Max
C18 - 40-46
C20 - 8-14
C22 - 42-48
C24 - 1.0 Max
AppearanceLiquid / SolidPastilles / Flakes / FusedFused / FlakesFused / FlakesFlakes
Hydrocarbons (% BY WT)0.70 Max0.5 Max.0.7 Max.0.5 Max.1.0 Max.
Moisture (% BY WT)0.10 Max.0.10 Max. (Fused) 0.30 Max. (Flakes/Pastilles)0.10 Max. (Fused) : 0.15 Max. (Flakes)0.10 Max. (Fused): 0.15 Max. (Flakes)0.15 Max.
Acid Value0.05 Max.0.20 Max.0.10 Max.0.1 Max.0.1 Max.
Saponification Value0.20 Max.0.40 Max.0.20 Max.0.3 Max.0.7 Max.
Iodine Value0.20 Max0.25 Max.0.20 Max0.3 Max1.0 Max.
Avg. Molecular Weight184 – 188246 - 257238 - 249267 - 280295 - 311
Hydroxyl Value297 – 304218 - 228225 - 235200 - 210180- 190
Solidification Range (°C)19 – 2447 - 5146 - 4955 - 5855 - 60
Flash Point (°C)Ca. 140Ca. 160Ca 180Ca. 195Ca. 202
Density (GMS/CC) @ 30 °C0.815 - 0.8250.805 - 0.8150.805 - 0.8150.805 - 0.8150.800 - 0.810
Colour (APHA)10 Max.10 Max.10 Max.10 Max20 Max.
Boiling Range (°C)250 – 270305 – 355305 - 330330 - 360350 - 390
Carbonyl Value (as PPM CO)100 Max ----

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