IPA is used in the extraction and purification of natural products such as vegetable and animal oil and fats. Other applications include its use as a cleaning and drying agent in the manufacture of electronic parts and metals, and as an aerosol solvent in medical and veterinary products.

Physical state : Liquid
Appearance  : Liquid
Color  : Colorless
Odor  : Alcohol odour Stuffy odour Mild odour
Odor threshold  : 3 - 610 ppm
8 - 1499 mg/m³
pH  : No data available
Melting point  : -88 °C
Freezing point  : No data available
Boiling point  : 82 °C (1013 hPa)
Critical temperature  : 235 °C
Critical pressure : 47600 hPa
Flash point  : 12 °C
Water : Complete
Ethanol : Complete
Ether : Complete
Acetone : soluble
Oxidizing properties : No data available

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