
  • Methanol is used as a useful fuel for stunt and racing cars as it is less inflammable and can be mixed with water.
  • It is also used as a solvent.
  • Methanol is also used to make other chemicals such as formaldehyde.
  • Being a polar liquid at room temperature, it is used as antifreeze and a denaturant for ethanol.
1.AppearanceIMPCA 003-98 Clear and free of suspended matter
2.Purity on dry basis % W/W IMPCA 001-14 Min 99.85
3.Acetone mg/kg IMPCA 001-14 Max 30
4.Ethanol mg/kg IMPCA 001-14Max 50
5.ColorPt-Co ASTM D1209-11 Max 5
6.Water% W/W ASTM E1064-12 Max 0.100
7.Distillation Range at 760 mm Hg °C ASTM D1078-11 Max 1.0 to include 64.6° +/- 1°
8.Specific Gravity 20°/20° ASTM D4052-11 0.7910-0.7930
9.Potassium Permanganate Time test at 15 °C minutes ASTM D1363-11 Min 60
10.Chloride as Cl - mg/kg IMPCA 002-98Max 0.5
11.Sulphur mg/kg ASTM D 3961-98 Max 0.5 Note 1, page 3 mg/kg ASTM D 5453-12 Max 0.5
12.Hydrocarbons ASTM D 1722-09 Pass test
13. Carbonisable Substances (Sulfuric Acid Wash Test) Pt-Co ASTM E 346-08 Max 30
14.Acidity as Acetic acid mg/kg ASTM D 1613-12 Max 30
15. Iron in solution mg/kg ASTM E 394-09 Max 0.10
16.Non Volatile Matter mg/1000ml ASTM D 1353-13 Max 8

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