
Laboratory use. Xylene is used in the laboratory to make baths with dry ice to cool reaction vessels, and as a solvent to remove synthetic immersion oil from the microscope objective in light microscopy. In histology, xylene is the most widely used clearing agent.

Test Description Specification Limits Unit of MeasureTest Method
Min. Max.
AppearanceNot listed Visual
Purity as aromatic 99.9 Vol. %ASTM D 1319
Saybolt Color +30ASTM D 156
Density at 15deg.C Kg/dm3 ASTM D 4052
Distillation Range Deg.C ASTM D 850
50% 139.6
DP 142.6
Flash Point27.5 Deg.C ASTM D 56
Aniline Point Not listedDeg.C ASTM D 611
Copper Corrosion 1a ASTM D 130
3 hrs at 50 deg.c
Sulphur Contentfree ppm/wt ASTM D 853
Aromatics 99.9 Vol.%ASTM D 1319
Hydrogen Sulphidefree ppm/wt ASTM D 853

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