It consists of a mixture of three isomers: o-, m-, p-Xylene, and ethylbenzene. Depending on the specifications and uses, it is traded in the two grades - Isomer Grade and Solvent Grade - in the market. Both are colorless liquids that do not dissolve in water, but are mixed well with organic solvents such as ether, benzene, etc.

1) Solvent Grade MX: Primarily used as raw material for dye, organic pigment, perfume, plasticizer, medicines, etc., and as general solvents for paint, agricultural pesticide, medicines, etc.
2) Isomer Grade MX: Used as raw material for producing each o-, m-, p-Xylene product. O-Xylene product is produced through distillation using b.p, whereas m- and p-Xylene products are manufactured through the adsorption equipment given the similar differences in b.p between the two.

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